Wednesday, January 23, 2008

First Week at Hogwarts!

What a week it has been! Arriving at Hogwarts; meeting my house mates and our prefect; the start of classes and the first test of the term! Whew!

First off I got all settled in dorm room. The Hufflepuff girls are all lovely and have made me feel very welcome. Several of them are hand-knitters like me. We had a knitting night in the common room and were all very excited to start our Fiber Transfiguration Classes. I also did some decorating to make my journal more Hufflepuff!

Fiber Transfiguration is a smashingly good class! It is so different from muggle-knitting, a totally different type of challenge to it. There were several in the class who have never knit before, so they really struggled at first. Our first assignment was to transfigure fiber to a garter stitch square. It was slow going at first, much like the first time grammie taught me to knit. At our next class, those of us who were able to complete a square were given a choice of a beginner fiber transfiguration project to work on. I went with wrist warmers, as they were a project that I was familiar with knitting by hand. They turned out quite nicely and I've sent them to papa so he keeps his wrists and hands warm when he is on his computer.

I've also met my partner for the Sock Kit Exchange. She is a lovely Ravenclaw girl named Fleur Lovegoods. I've been using my Badger detective skills to learn all I can so I give her the best swap kit! I've already got some great ideas that I think she will like. Still lots to work on though. I do have to stop in the Fiber Shoppe on our Hogsmeade trip; need to find sock yarn, needles and fun giftie items to include. I've an idea in my head for stitch markers, just need to find what I need for them.

But this week was not all fun, games and knitting. We had our first test of the term in Hogwarts History. Fortunately it was all on the Hufflepuff house, so I knew lots of it from dad. I think I did rather well. We've another test coming up as well. So there is more studying to be done. I think I'll be spending some time in the library tomorrow.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Glad to hear you are enjoying your stay at Hogwarts.

~Jennifer~Hufflepuff Prefect