Saturday, November 8, 2008

Working with Uncle Vincenzio, part 2

Thursday evening I went with uncle Vincenzio to the monthly Knitters Guild meeting. They were holding their annual Vendor's Night and Potluck Supper, so his shoppe was invited there as a vendor. We brought all the color transfigured sock yarn that we have been working on. My work was very well received and many of the ladies purchased transfigured sock wool from me.

Uncle Vincenzio and I will be teaching a class on Color Transfiguration in December, so the ladies who have registered for the class were very excited to see what they will be learning. The class is already filled and we will probably be teaching a 2nd class some time in February. Another shoppe owner, who has her shoppe in Hogsmeade, asked if we would come teach our Color Transfiguration class at her shoppe next summer. So we will be looking into doing that.

Not only did we do well in sales, but the dinner was awesome. There was so much food you would think the Hogwarts kitchen elves were there. Uncle Vincenzio joked that the ladies of the guild all bring enough food to each feed an army! I was stuffed! But everything was SO good!

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