Agatha's mum did some shopping with uncle Vincenzio in the muggle plaza while the 3 of us had lunch. We talked about our year at Hogwarts and our swapping experiences, although I couldn't tell her much about this one or it would ruin her surprise! I was also able to show Agatha some of the knitting techniques I've learned from the muggle ladies who visit uncle Vincenzio's shoppe. We both were quite amused that they call something "magic-loop" but it has no magic involved. LOL!
Agatha's cousin Lucifer is a brilliant young bloke who is fascinated by muggle gadgetry. Unlike most wizards though, he understands and can use it all! While Agatha and I were knitting he sat by the windows using his muggle "laptop computer." Before we all left he used what he called a "digital camera" to take a photo of Agatha and I. Agatha sent it to me by electronic owl.
We are hoping to meet up again the next time Agatha comes to town.
We MUST do it again soon!
Definitely... I'm craving Pizza Plant now!
you know I looked it up and the ONLY two locations are there in Buffalo?
Hehe, the "magic" of the muggle camera cracks me up.
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